Introducing HLR Team Member Aidan Strader

Introducing HLR Team Member Aidan Strader

I am long overdo in introducing one of our vital team members. Aidan Strader is the Landscape & Maintenance Supervisor for The High Lonesome Ranch. As Supervisor, Aidan oversees the upkeep and maintenance of the Ranch’s assets and infrastructure. Aidan has a background in fleet and automotive mechanics and joined the HLR team after working for the Colorado Department of Transportation.

Growing up in Colorado and paying close attention as he learned the skills from his father and through his hard work and long hours in his previous jobs he has learned and progressed quickly. Not only does it sometimes feel difficult to find someone born and raised in this beautiful state, finding such a responsible and driven young person bespeaks the promising career to come.

Introducing HLR Team Member Aidan Strader

And certainly not everyone is ready to hop in a dozer and clear a slope at 9,000 feet. Aidan readily jumps to help and eagerly works the overtime to save and repair roads, equipment, and buildings following the extreme weather and natural events we’ve been experiencing at The Ranch over the last couple of years.

I’m sure you’ll share in appreciating the diligence and effort Aidan puts in. His willingness to adapt and learn as this beautiful Landscape keeps us all in awe and we continue to grow as an organization and regenerative ranch and event space. If you’re fortunate to meet him person on a visit please don’t be shy about shaking his hand and getting to know him a little better. We are always better for time spent with truly genuine and good human being such as Aidan.

Best wishes,

Ariel Riccardi

Ranch Services Director

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